
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Court observstion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Court observstion - Essay Example The court demonstrate great power relation in the exercise of its jurisprudence, this is symbolized by the setting of its procedures, to the architecture of the courtroom, the procedures, the presentation of oneself from the judges to the defendants. This is illustrated as stated below: The Architecture: this comprises of the structure of the courtroom in relation with the power relation within the courtroom, the judges position was raised above the rest with the depicting high authority of the judge towards the other members. This does not accommodate equal power distribution among the participants. The fundamental architecture design of courtroom, complimented by precisely calculated use and placement of furniture, did not accommodate equal power distribution among all courtroom participants (Carlen, 1976, pg50). Instead, such architectural features awarded the presiding judged with the position with the most superior power (Carlen, 1976, pg50). The judges place was elevated making the defendant inferior to the judge, the judges dock was the highest positioning of the courtroom having it also centrally placed, ritualized the judges position as equal and non-partisan to any side. The defendants dock was placed isolated with a police officer standing beside the dock this showed the position of defence as the case was to proceed. The furniture in the courtroom is set that the occupants are facing and focused on the witness box which is placed at a lower level than any other furniture item allowing all the members of the courtroom to have clear focus on the witness (Greenberg, 1976, pg87). Arguably, while looking down upon defendant extents intimidation to witness, which makes them to understand their position in the power hierarchy of the courtroom ensuring clear conscious of the need to comply with the laid down system of the will and codes of the court. The presentation: the judges presence was followed by a peculiar silence depicting authority,

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